Risk Assessment

A risk assessment will consider:

    • what are the hazards?
    • who might be affected by them?
    • what safety measures need to be in place to reduce risks to a reasonable level?
    • can the group leader ensure that the safety measures in place are adhered to?
    • can an assessment be made of the effectiveness of the safety measures and any proposed changes?
    • what steps will be taken in an emergency?

The group leader should take the following factors into consideration when assessing the risks:

  • the type of excursion/activity and the level at which it is being undertaken.
  • the location, routes and modes of transport;
  • the composition of the group, including the role of supervisors;
  • the ratios of supervisory staff to participants;
  • the group members’ age, competence, fitness and temperament and the suitability of the activity;
  • the additional support or medical needs of the participants;
  • seasonal conditions, weather and timing;
  • emergency procedures;
  • how to cope when a participant becomes unable or unwilling to continue;
  • the need to monitor the risks throughout the excursion.